首先是弹性的表述,我们经常说这样一个词:“需求的价格弹性”,我们也很清楚它的意思是价格对需求的影响(而不是需求对价格的影响)。所以如果我们把他们换成数学语言,就是“y的x弹性”(英文:The elasticity of y with respect to x)。计算公式如下:
即y的变化比例除以x的变化比例。关于弹性的表述非常绕,我们可以举个这样的🌰:$x = 100, \Delta x = 1, y = 100, \Delta y = 2$,那么$\varepsilon = 2$。这样就说明,如果弹性为2,那么其含义就是,$x$变化$1\%$,$y$变化$2\%$.
cuse grilic_small, clear
/* 或者 */
use http://www.czxa.top/cuse/g/grilic_small, clear
/* 因为数据集里面已经对数工资变量,所以我们支队长受教育年限变量取对数即可 */
gen lns = ln(s)
/* 注意ln()函数和log()函数是等价的 */
/* 回归lnw和lns */
reg lnw lns
. reg w s
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 30
-------------+---------------------------------- F(1, 28) = 10.35
Model | 106091.987 1 106091.987 Prob > F = 0.0033
Residual | 287015.278 28 10250.5457 R-squared = 0.2699
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.2438
Total | 393107.266 29 13555.423 Root MSE = 101.24
w | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
s | 28.26456 8.785661 3.22 0.003 10.26795 46.26117
_cons | -41.4791 122.6431 -0.34 0.738 -292.7022 209.744
/* 首先我们需要生成工资变量,因为数据集里面只有工资对数变量 */
gen w = exp(lnw)
/* 然后就w对s回归 */
reg w s
. reg w s
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 30
-------------+---------------------------------- F(1, 28) = 10.35
Model | 106091.987 1 106091.987 Prob > F = 0.0033
Residual | 287015.278 28 10250.5457 R-squared = 0.2699
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.2438
Total | 393107.266 29 13555.423 Root MSE = 101.24
w | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
s | 28.26456 8.785661 3.22 0.003 10.26795 46.26117
_cons | -41.4791 122.6431 -0.34 0.738 -292.7022 209.744
. tab s
schooling | Freq. Percent Cum.
11 | 3 10.00 10.00
12 | 12 40.00 50.00
14 | 1 3.33 53.33
15 | 3 10.00 63.33
16 | 10 33.33 96.67
18 | 1 3.33 100.00
Total | 30 100.00
/* margins必须在回归后才能使用 */
margins, eyex(s) at(s = (11(1)18))
Conditional marginal effects Number of obs = 30
Model VCE : OLS
Expression : Linear prediction, predict()
ey/ex w.r.t. : s
1._at : s = 11
2._at : s = 12
3._at : s = 13
4._at : s = 14
5._at : s = 15
6._at : s = 16
7._at : s = 17
8._at : s = 18
| Delta-method
| ey/ex Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
s |
_at |
1 | 1.153951 .470754 2.45 0.021 .1896548 2.118247
2 | 1.139334 .4206618 2.71 0.011 .2776474 2.00102
3 | 1.127252 .3801114 2.97 0.006 .3486291 1.905875
4 | 1.117098 .3466306 3.22 0.003 .4070576 1.827139
5 | 1.108445 .3185293 3.48 0.002 .4559675 1.760923
6 | 1.100983 .294614 3.74 0.001 .4974935 1.704472
7 | 1.094481 .2740186 3.99 0.000 .5331797 1.655783
8 | 1.088767 .2560998 4.25 0.000 .5641699 1.613363
input s e
11 1.153951
12 1.139334
13 1.127252
14 1.117098
15 1.108445
16 1.100983
17 1.094481
18 1.088767
line e s, xti(受教育年限) ///
yti(工资的受教育年限弹性) ///
yla(, format(%6.2f))
另外一种方法是直接利用返回值。很多Stata命令运行之后都会保留一些返回值,运行命令return list
/* 因为刚刚clear了,所以再重新运行一下前面的命令 */
cuse grilic_small.dta, c w
gen w = exp(lnw)
/* qui 前缀可以隐藏运行结果 */
qui reg w s
qui margins, eyex(s) at(s = (11(1)18))
ret list
ret list
r(level) = 95
r(k_at) = 1
r(k_by) = 1
r(k_predict) = 1
r(k_margins) = 0
r(df_r) = 28
r(N) = 30
r(mcmethod) : "noadjust"
r(cmd) : "margins"
r(cmdline) : "margins , eyex(s) at(s = (11(1)18))"
r(est_cmdline) : "regress w s"
r(est_cmd) : "regress"
r(emptycells) : "strict"
r(atstats8) : "values"
r(atstats7) : "values"
r(atstats6) : "values"
r(atstats5) : "values"
r(atstats4) : "values"
r(atstats3) : "values"
r(atstats2) : "values"
r(atstats1) : "values"
r(continuous) : "continuous"
r(derivatives) : "ey/ex"
r(xvars) : "s"
r(expression) : "predict()"
r(predict1_label) : "Linear prediction"
r(vcetype) : "Delta-method"
r(vce) : "delta"
r(model_vce) : "ols"
r(title) : "Conditional marginal effects"
r(table) : 9 x 8
r(chainrule) : 1 x 3
r(at) : 8 x 1
r(V) : 8 x 8
r(Jacobian) : 8 x 2
r(error) : 1 x 8
r(b) : 1 x 8
r(_N) : 1 x 8
/* 首先把r(table)保存到矩阵e里面,矩阵生产使用matrix命令,简写为mat */
mat e = r(table)
/* 查看矩阵使用matrix list命令,简写为mat list */
mat list e
s: s: s: s: s: s: s: s:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
_at _at _at _at _at _at _at _at
b 1.1539507 1.1393339 1.127252 1.1170982 1.1084451 1.1009828 1.0944814 1.0887665
se .47075402 .42066176 .38011143 .34663063 .31852928 .29461398 .27401865 .25609981
t 2.4512816 2.7084323 2.9655831 3.2227338 3.4798845 3.7370353 3.994186 4.2513367
pvalue .02073597 .01139796 .00611555 .00321455 .00166106 .00084655 .00042681 .00021346
ll .18965477 .27764736 .34862905 .40705759 .45596746 .49749346 .53317969 .56416985
ul 2.1182466 2.0010205 1.905875 1.8271389 1.7609228 1.7044722 1.6557832 1.6133632
df 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
crit 2.0484071 2.0484071 2.0484071 2.0484071 2.0484071 2.0484071 2.0484071 2.0484071
eform 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
/* preserve和restore是一对命令,preserve可以预保存,当前数据集和
和restore之间的操作不会产生影响 */
/* 只使用clear不会清除宏变量(例如上面的矩阵) */
set obs 8
gen e = .
gen s = .
forval i = 1/8{
replace s = `i' + 10
replace e = e[1, `i']
line e s, xti(受教育年限) ///
yti(工资的受教育年限弹性) ///
yla(, format(%6.2f))
gr export 工资的受教育年限弹性.png, replace width(2400)
同样,我们可以这样定义y的x半弹性(The semielasticity of y with respect to x):
可以这么理解,$x = 100, \partial x = 100, \partial y = 2, semi \sim \varepsilon 1 = 2$。即是说,半弹性为2的时候表示x增加100%,y增加2个单位。
cuse grilic_small, c w
gen lns = ln(s)
reg w lns
. reg w lns
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 30
-------------+---------------------------------- F(1, 28) = 10.09
Model | 104136.237 1 104136.237 Prob > F = 0.0036
Residual | 288971.029 28 10320.3939 R-squared = 0.2649
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.2387
Total | 393107.266 29 13555.423 Root MSE = 101.59
w | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
lns | 387.0569 121.849 3.18 0.004 137.4605 636.6532
_cons | -662.8339 318.9395 -2.08 0.047 -1316.152 -9.516088
cuse grilic_small.dta, c
gen w = exp(lnw)
qui reg w s
qui margins, dyex(s) at(s = (11(1)18))
mat e = r(table)
set obs 8
gen e = .
gen s = .
forval i = 1/8{
replace s = `i' + 10 in `i'
replace e = e[1, `i'] in `i'
line e s, xti(受教育年限) ///
yti(工资的受教育年限半弹性) ///
yla(, format(%6.2f))
gr export 工资的受教育年限半弹性.png, replace width(2400)
可以这么理解,$\partial x = 1, \partial y = 200, y =100, semi \sim \varepsilon 2 = 2$。即是说,半弹性为2的时候表示x增加1,y增加200%。
cuse grilic_small.dta, c w
reg lnw s
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 30
-------------+---------------------------------- F(1, 28) = 11.34
Model | 1.13168716 1 1.13168716 Prob > F = 0.0022
Residual | 2.79551408 28 .099839789 R-squared = 0.2882
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.2627
Total | 3.92720124 29 .135420733 Root MSE = .31597
lnw | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
s | .0923133 .0274191 3.37 0.002 .0361478 .1484787
_cons | 4.519277 .3827556 11.81 0.000 3.735237 5.303316
cuse grilic_small.dta, c
gen w = exp(lnw)
qui reg w s
qui margins, eydx(s) at(s = (11(1)18))
mat e = r(table)
set obs 8
gen e = .
gen s = .
forval i = 1/8{
replace s = `i' + 10 in `i'
replace e = e[1, `i'] in `i'
line e s, xti(受教育年限) ///
yti(工资的受教育年限半弹性) ///
yla(, format(%6.2f))
gr export 工资的受教育年限半弹性2.png, replace width(2400)
最后可以用Stata帮助文件(margins命令: dydx选项)中的一个表格来总结弹性和半弹性: